High on Life What happens if You kill 5 Torg:- You know our previous article on 9 torg. On our previous article we give you strategy to kill the 9 torg because she is first bug eyed creature and criminal who is used humans as drugs in the space.
If you give the attention when players find the 9 torg they want to kill another creature in the platform. Who is tied up with the rope. This creature is 5 torg in the high on life. In this article we talked about on the if we kill 5 torg or not in the game.

High on Life Overview:
Topic | High on Life What happens if You kill 5 Torg |
Publishers | Squanch Game |
Providers | NAYAG Team |
Status | Working |
Source | Official |
Should I Kill 5 torg or Not ?
From the date of releasing the game high on life there are many gamers and peoples are in trouble to killing the 5 torg. There are many gamers and people who have not specific knowledge on killing of 5 torg. As you know the 5 torg was clone sister of 9 torg, Who is still hang with the rope when you enter to area. The 9 torg want to kill the 5 torg, reason for Why she is killing her own clone is not confirm. So by this reason many gamers and new people are confused to killing the 5 torg or not.
What happens If you Don’t Kill 5 Torg?
This Questions have two side one is if you kill 5 torg What happened? And second is If you not kill the 5 torg What happened? We talk on second question first, if you don’t kill 5 torg So, he became a boss and come back for take a revenge for killing her clone. When you kill or defeat the 9 torg you see the 5 torg was tied up and starting to talk with you. 5 torg explained to you, all torg are clone or connected to each other and all are evil clones, she is taking the place of her sister’ place crime lord. So, if you don’t kill the 5 torg probably she became new crime lord and also become your enemy in the future.
Now we talk on first question if you kill 5 torg what happened? The answer of this question is nothing. When you starting to shoot the 5 torg, you see the health bar of 5 torg starting to decreasing. So, the mean of this is you can kill 5 torg, it is also a NPC in the game.
Frequently Asked Questions:
Q1. Who is 5 Torg in the high on life?
Ans. She is also clone torg of 9 torg.
Q2. Can we kill 5 torg?
Ans. Yes, we can kill the 5 torg in the game.
Q3. In Which date this game was launched?
Ans. On 12 December 2022.
Thank you for reading this article. In this article we telling you about on what happens if you kill 5 torg. There are many gamers and new people who are confusing in to killing the 5 torg in the game. Because When player enter in the area where 9 torg was hiding, they see to 9 torg was killing the 5 torg when they tied by the rope. So, by seeing this there are many gamers are confused 5 torg is good or bad. But all torg are evil clone like the 9 torg first you see in the game. You can kill the 5 torg without any hesitation.
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