Dragon Locations God of War Ragnarok: There are many collectible things in the game of God of war ragnarok. Like Nornir chest, legendary chest, Lore, Odin’s raven and many more.
These tasks and fights are makes games more interesting for playing all day. It’s about 23 hour long to complete the game. Now in this article we talk about on the rare collectible thing’s dragon tooth. In the god of war ragnarok game there is also dragon who attacks on you, you have to fight with the dragon and defeat them. The tooth of dragon is also collectible thing but in some favors.

Ragnarok Locations Overview:
Topic | Dragon Locations God of War Ragnarok |
Provider | NAYAG Team |
Source | Official |
Status | Working |
No. of Dragons | 6 |
All Dragon Locations God of War Ragnarok
In the game of god of war ragnarok there are 6 dragons battles. These battles are only for dragon tooth. God of war ragnarok dragon tooth are collectible thing in the game. These dragon tooth are used to make special weapons, armors and potions. We give you locations of all 6 dragons in this article.
- Alfheim – The Forbidden Sands, during Favor: The Desert Door
- Vanaheim – The Jungle during Favor: Trail of the Dead
- Vanaheim – The Jungle during Favor: What Lies Below
- Vanaheim – The Jungle during Favor: What Lies Below
- Vanaheim – The Plains during Favor: In The Dead of Night
- Vanaheim – The Sinkholes during Favor: Quaking Hollow
Dragon Armor God of War Ragnarok
As we know there are around 32 total armors in the game of God of war ragnarok. There are 7 armors which increased the power and efficiency of the Kratos. On our previous article we talked on berserker armor set which is also one of the 7 armor sets of Kratos. Which is getting by defeating the enemies in different regions of the game.
Now in this article we talked on one of the most unique armor sets in all 7 power armor sets in the game. The dragon armor set which is get after the defeating of dragon. God of war dragon fight is also know as boss fight to getting armor sets. This dragon set is well balanced armor set with 200 stat points in both strength and defence once it’s been fully upgraded. Completing hunts at the crater will provide players with the resources that are needed to craft and upgrade the set.
- Dragon scaled Breastplate:- 1x dragon claw and 2x dragon tooth
- Dragon scaled Gridle:- 10x dragon tooth
- Dragon scared Bracers:- 10x dragon tooth
God of War Ragnarok Dragon Beach
There are many regions in the game of god of war ragnarok. In dragon beach there are also collectible things in this particular region. As you know there are most of the regions in the game are fully loaded with collectible things in god of war ragnarok.
We also made some articles on collectibles thing locations in different regions. The dragon beach region is located in Svartalfheim realm in god of war ragnarok. There are total 4 things in the dragon beach location which is collectibles.
- Nornir Chest
- Lore
- Buried treasure
- Yggdrasil Rift
Frequently Asked Questions:
Q1. How many dragon tooth is needed for Breastplate?
Ans. 2 dragon tooth are needed for breastplate.
Q2. In Which realm the dragon beach is located?
Ans. The dragon beach is located in Svartalfheim.
Q3. In which favor the forbidden sand dragon is found?
Ans. The desert door favor is in forbidden sand.
Thank you for reading this article. In this article we talked about on dragon scale armor god of war ragnarok. God of war ragnarok dragon beach chest and god of war ragnarok dragon claw is also related to dragon beach region. In this article we also give the collectible things in the dragon beach region. There is dragon fight in the game which is also know as other name in game.
Dragon armor set is one of the powerful armor set in all the 7 armor sets in the god of war ragnarok. We also describe the special benefits of the armor set in the god of war ragnarok game.
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