The Lucky Girl Syndrome: I am pretty much sure that you are here after following the recent ongoing trend over Tiktok related to “The Lucky Girl Syndrome”. It has become the buzz word all over the word. Tiktok is on fire after this trend. Internet is taken by storm when some girls claimed that whatever they are assuming is becoming the reality. The trend is Making them Lucky girl by manifestation. So, let us have a look over it. That how it works and what causing it to happens.

What is Lucky Girl Syndrome?
Whoever listen it first ask this question for sure. That what’s the meaning of Lucky Girl Syndrome. To let you know in layman terms. The concept is first coined by a Tiktok Influencer Laura Galebi. She shared a video over Tiktok claiming whatever happening after she started using the term “I am so Lucky” is in favor of her. Whatever she pre assume about things becomes true for her. This lead her to become the Luckiest girl she know. Since, after that the video is getting viral over different social medias.

So, to follow this trend you just need to presume things and that will become realty eventually. It seems silly and people may call you stupid or mad too. As you not only need to assume the things but believe as it happened in real, what was never happened in general. It sounds awkward but it was found working for several girls. As claimed by the Trend followers.
Lucky Girl Syndrome Affirmations
As per the trend followers, they are getting their dream jobs, partners, dreamy things and lot more whatever they assume. What making it happens is actually the will to do things when you are self confidence. You give your best when you are 100% sure about things will go in your side. There are hundreds of users sharing their story on Tiktok claiming they had got their assumptions true after following the trend.
It is leading to increase the growth of this trend like wildfire. Every girl want to become “The Lucky Girl” after following the trend. They are getting affirmations for their requests and demands. The list is just increasing and increasing. The working force behind this is said to be the Law of assumption. So, what does this law of assumption states. Let us understand in the next section.
Law of Assumption Meaning
It was proposed by American philosopher Neville Goddard. As per Law of Assumption, The Law of Assumption is a means of manifesting desires by having a state of mind and the feeling that those desires, wishes and aspirations have been fulfilled. Neville Goddard explains that achieving a desired goal has everything to do with your state of mind rather than mere action.
Another essential part of the the law is faith or belief, meaning, to see an assumption’s actual manifestation, one must not just assume it being fulfilled but also believe it is already so.
Lucky Girl Syndrome Reddit Response:
Reddit users are claiming that following the trend things changed in their life and making they lucky. They achieved what they never thought of at the first place. But, You can find more content and a healthy response over Tiktok than Reddit or other social Media. Because it is the place where the things begin to spread.
Lucky Girls Syndrom Affirmation on YouTube Video:
You can also find it on YouTube. There are several users sharing videos on YouTube about their lucky girl syndrom affirmation. Here are few of them.
Lucky Girl Syndrome Tiktok Trending Video:
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