How to get Banner Z ASTD : Roblox’s game All Star Tower Defense also known as “ASTD” is one of the amazing creation. Players loves this game so much, in fact this game’s unique gameplay makes players more addictive to play it more and more. Well today we here to talk about Banner Z, and if you don’t know about this thing then don’t worry because after reading this article you will never face this problem.
And now in this article we are going to talk about Banners in ASTD game that what type of thing is this in the game and we will also talk about “Banner Z” that how can we unlock it. So, I hope that you will like this article and I hope that you will get every single information regarding this topic which you are looking for.

Topic Overview :
Topic | How to get Banner Z ASTD |
Name | All Star Tower Defense |
Publisher | Roblox |
Category | Games |
Provider | NAYAG Team |
What Is Banner ASTD?
So, if you are a “All Star Tower Defense” player but you still don’t know about this then don’t worry there are many players who regularly play this game but they still don’t know about Banners in All Star Tower Defense. Well, this is not a type of banner that you see in your local area or in your local market and it is not a type of a promotional banner or advertisement for the game.
There are various type of Banners in ASTD game like Banner X, Banner Y, Banner Z and Gold-only. This banners is also known as special banner ASTD or ASTD banner live. But the most elusive Banner Z is not immediately accessible by most player. This banner is basically a summon used to exclusive to World 2. So, if you don’t know to unlock banner z then don’t worry below you will get the solution to unlock the most crucial banner “Banner Z”.
How To Unlock Banner Z In ASTD?
So, as you know that this Banner Z is only available on World 2 that’s why it is lit bit tough to unlock it. But you don’t have to worry because there are some easy steps which I’ve mentioned below so follow every step one by one and carefully.
- The first and the basic requirement is that you need to be Level 100 or more.
- Then, after reaching Level 100 you may find that Banner Z.
- Well, if you will check this then you will find that this is still not apparently accessible.
- It will happen because you need to go to World 2 to open Banner Z.
- So, here you need to take the Portal at the tail-end of Serpent’s Way.
- You can automatically spawn near the Portal to go through. (Once you are on level 100 or more)
- After spawning in world 2, you can head to the Summon area to try your luck in Banner Z.
- Just like X and Y, this banner rotating units every hour so you can come back later for new or better units.
- Now you can exchange your gold or gems for emeralds at the trade shops in World 2 lobby.
- There are six slots with one of them having a chance of spawning a 6-star unit, and two slots for five and remaining 3 slots are for 4-star units with relatively higher chance.
- You cannot get 3-star units in this Banner with the exception of Demonside.
- One important thing to be noted that just like other banners this will show you 60 pity turns but it will not work. This happens just only because this pity system is disabled for Banner Z as it already has higher chances for rare units.
- That’s how you can unlock this banner Z.
How to get Banner Z ASTD :
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) :
Q1. What type of items banner Z contain?
Ans. The Banner Z contain “one level 6 unit, two level 5 units, and 3 level 4 units”.
Q2. How To Unlock Banner Z In ASTD?
Ans. There are some steps that if you will follow them then you will be able to unlock banner z.
Q3. What is this Banner Z?
Ans. Banner Z is a type of summon exclusive to World 2.
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