God of War Ragnarok Gale Flame Locations: In this game there are every specific weapons have specific collectible things which increases the power of the particular weapons.
We make some article on the chaos flames which increase the power of blades of chaos and frozen flames increase the power of Leviathan axe. Except these Kratos also have some special weapon name Draupnir spear. In this article we talking about gale flame, they increase the power of Draupnir spear. This spear is more dangerous weapon of Kratos which is also getting after the defeating the enemy.

God of War Ragnarok Gale Flame Overview:
Topic | God of War Ragnarok Gale Flame Locations |
Weapon’s Name | Draupnir Spear |
Provider | NAYAG Team |
Source | Official |
Status | Working |
How to Get Gale Flame ?
You know the gale flame is used to increasing the power of Draupnir spear. In the god of war ragnarok the Draupnir spear is the deadliest and very dangerous weapon which Kratos used to defeat the enemies.
The leviathan Axe and blades of chaos are also powerful weapon but the spear is different and little bit hazardous for enemies as compare to these two weapons. You need chaos flame to increasing the power of chaos blade and Frozen flame to empower the leviathan Axe.
So, you need gale flames for upgrading the Draupnir spear. If you want to get the gale flame location, read this article next paragraph.
Where to Get Gale Flame in GoW Ragnarok ?
There are only four gale flames in the gow of war ragnarok all over world. It means you enhance the Draupnir spear only four times. You get these gale flame after defeating the enemies or you say after winning the fight. If you forgot to claim the gale flames, don’t worry you get these gale flames from the Blue chest by the blacksmith.
The first gale flame you get from the Muspelheim realm seed. You know the Kratos and Atreus fight with the two Valkyries Who’s name is Hirst and mist. When you defeated her, they give you some collectible things. They will also drop the gale flames after the defeating.
The second gale flame you get from completing the Quest in the Vanaheim realm. In this quest Kratos need to capture all three wisps and bring them to the sigil plate. By doing this the flame phantom is unleashed, Kratos need to destroy the all five pillars. When you complete the Quest, you give the rewards the gale flames is in the rewards.
The third gale flame you get from Svartalfheim realm after defeating the two major bosses. Who’s name are Bodvar the fierce and Starlofr the troublesome. Bodvar is the powerful boss with two powerful damage dealing attacks. So, you need to first defeat the Starlofr. When you defeat it you get the reward and gale flame.
The last gale flame is founded in the Sindri’s house. In this you get the six gale spark flame. GoW Ragnarök Gale Spark Flame. When you collect all the Six gale spark automatically you get the one gale flame. These are all four gale flames in the god of war ragnarok. After using all the four gale flames the Draupnir spear level is up to 9.
Frequently Asked Questions:
Q1. Where to find gale flame first in the god of war ragnarok?
Ans. You found the first gale flame in Muspelheim realm.
Q2. How many gale flames in the game?
Ans. There are only four gale flames in the game.
Q3. What is the name of two Valkyries?
Ans. Hrist and Mist is the name of Valkyries.
Thank you for reading this article. In this article we talk about on gale flame which is used for enhance the power of the Draupnir spear. As you know we described the other flames for other weapons in the god of war ragnarok. In the article we tell you GoW ragnarok all gale flame locations. If you feel hard to find the gale flame So, you can read the paragraph. We describe all four gale flames locations separately.
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