Garena Free Fire is a Battle Royale mobile game that was released back in 2017. It is a free-to-play game that is developed and published by Garena. The game is very much a traditional Battle Royale game where a set number of people are released in a remote location and the players then have to survive using all the weapons and gears they can find.

These 50 players jump from a plane on an abandoned island, and the last remaining player wins the game. The game length usually varies from 15 minutes to 25 minutes depending upon players’ play style and approach in the game.
There are different weapons available in the game and players have a wide variety of options to choose from. Free Fire also had grenades and mines which brings real combat experience to the game.
Is Garena Free Fire free to play?
Yes, one can play Garena Free Fire for free by downloading the Free Fire App on their Android or iOS devices. Although the game is free-to-play, there are micro-transactions available in the game.
Can I play Garena Free Fire on PC?
Garena Free Fire can be played on PC or Laptop using the official emulator provided by Garena. Apart from the official emulator, Free Fire can be played using the GameLoop emulator or BlueStacks.
Is Garena Free Fire offline?
No, Garena Free Fire is an online multiplayer game.
What is the total player base of Free Fire?
As of August 2019, Free Fire has over 450 million registered users, and over 50 million daily active players.
What are the maps available in Free Fire?
There are two permanent maps on Free Fire as of now(January 13, 2020) and a new map Kalahari is in development.
What are the characters available in Free Fire?
As of now(January 13), there are characters available in the game. Here is a list of all the characters-
- A124
- Rafael
- Laura
- Hayato
- Moco
- The Monkey King
- Caroline
- Antonio
- Miguel
- Paloma
- Kla
- Maxim
- Misha
- Nikita
- Kelly
- Andrew
- Olivia
- Ford
Is there any Garena Free Fire Tournament?
Apart from local and regional tournaments such as Copa America and Free Fire Indian Championship, there are many big tournaments that are held internationally, most notably the Free Fire World Cup that is held annually.
What are the upcoming Free Fire tournaments in 2020?
Only two tournaments have been confirmed by Garena as of now which are
- Copa America 2020 (concluded)
- Free Fire Indian Championship 2020
Who are some of the popular Free Fire streamers?
Free Fire has a huge community and plenty of streamers have made their name playing the game. Here are some of the popular Free Fire streamer-
- Total Gaming
- Two-Side Gamers
- Arrow Gaming
- Sooneeta
Free Fire Updates
Garena(developers) rolls out patches and updates for Free fire on a regular basis. This keeps the game fresh and players always have something new to try. The game is dynamic and the overall meta might change from patch to patch. New updates usually include bug fixes, new game modes, and new events.
Also Read | Best Free Fire Hack in India
What is an advanced server in Free Fire?
Advanced server is basically a public beta server, where everything that hits the live server, goes on the Advanced server. Anyone interested in acquiring an account on an Advanced server can pre-register on the official Advanced Server page setup by Garena. Only limited players are accepted by Garena in one batch and the best bet to get inside the Advanced is to register every time Garena opens a new batch.
Free Fire Guides
There are plenty of additional things a player can do in Free Fire to improve the overall gameplay. In order to reach the top, players need to be on their toes all the time. Apart from practicing the right way, there are multiple guides that can help players to get better at the game.
Garena Free Fire Tips and Tricks for the beginners
Good performance comes with experience. Its nearly impossible to perform very well at the first try if you do not know about the game. Garena Free Fire is not an exception here. Here in this article, I’ll share 8 quick tips and tricks that will help you to sail through in Garena Free Fire.
1. Land according to your game style
Firstly, Land as soon as possible and get whatever you get around you. If you want to play aggressive, land in a highly popular place. If you want to play more survival type, then land in a place where people do not generally go. Less crowded places will help you to gather more loots without fighting many people.
2. Know about guns
You should do a little research about guns. Although players get to know about the guns as they play but it is really important. The faster you get to know guns, the quicker you improve. Check guns that suit your play style. It is better to pick up a mid to long-range weapon with a short-range weapon like a shotgun.
3. Move during combat
When in combat, make sure to move around. This will make it hard for your opponent to hit you easily. And obviously it will increase your chances to kill your opponent without getting killed.
4. Don’t be afraid of Gloo Walls
Gloo walls are not very hard to penetrate. When an enemy puts up a Gloo way, don’t be afraid. Just keep firing at the Gloo wall and it will take down a Gloo wall within 5-10 seconds. Most of the players do not expect the opponent to break the wall, they expect the other player to rush. So breaking the wall can help in catching them off guard.
5. Avoid Oil Barrels
Always try to avoid going near oil barrels. Sometimes snipers wait patiently to blow it for an easy kill.
6. Know when to use Throwables
Throwables can be very handy sometimes. Even if the opponent is able to avoid the damage of grenades and flashbang, it makes them move from their spot. This helps in knowing their location.
7. Use vehicles as a shield when needed
If someone is firing at you, and there is a vehicle around you, use it as a shied by hiding behind. But make sure you run when it’s about to blow.
8. Learn from mistakes
Always have a good attitude. Please avoid trash-talking if someone kills you. Learn from mistakes and try to improve. Once you start doing this, it will make the game more enjoyable for you.
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