Emanuela Orlandi Story : The disappearane of Emanuela Orlandi has become a very mysterious case of all time. Emanuela orlandi is the girl who was missing from last several years. This is the very hot topic on internet nowadays due to latest Netflix documentary series.
Since, Netflix (which is a entertainment platform) released a web series on it. The internet has taken a storm in the trend. So, today we will discuss about this incident that how Emanuela orlandi disappeared and what people say about Emanuela’s disappearance.

Topic Overview :
Topic | The Disappearance of Emanuela Orlandi |
Name | Emanuela Orlandi |
Perents | Father- Ercole orlandi, Mother- Maria orlandi |
Disappeared | June 22 1983 (at the age of 15) |
Source | Official |
Provider | NAYAG Team |
Status | Active |
Who is Emanuela Orlandi ?
Emanuela Orlandi was born on January 1968 in Italy’s small city called Vatican city. Her Mother’s name was Maria Orlandi and her father’s name was Ercole Orlandi. She was fourth of five children. Her father was a employee in a Vatican bank and her brother Peitro was studying law.
She was completing her study’s in Rome. She was a Vatican girl means she was born in Vatican city which is a small city and which has very less population not even a half million. In this city there is only one Hospital and one Restaurant, which shows that this city is very small in area also in population. So, Orlandi was born there.
How Emanuela Orlandi disappeared ?
So, On June 12 Wednesday 1983 in the age of 15, Emanuela was returning to her home from school. She stair in her bus which she travelled in. Nobody was knows that what is going to be happen with Emanuela. Although She stair in her bus but she never come back to her home.
On next day June 13 Tuesday, her family members start calling her teachers to know about Orlandi that she went to her home or not. But people was saying that she was returned to her home early. She is missing from around 4 decades and nobody knows that where she is now, is she alive or died.
Her brother Peitro is the main investigator of this case who is a lawyer now. Since, Emanuela’s disappearance, people of Rome are protesting for this case to know that what happened with Orlandi. This case create too much hype that Netfilx is releasing a web series now, where you will get full documentary of this case.
Researches on Emanuela Orlandi’s disappearance :
As this case is a becomes a very mysterious case that is why researches giving its theories according to them. Some researchers says, that she was kidnapped, some people says that it was a sex scandal which means that somebody kidnapped her then rape and then kill her. Some people says that she is alive and living a very decent life in a Muslim family.
But this all theories are unreliable, and doesn’t contain a strong evidences. However, at many place in Vatican city they discovered human bones which seems like her but again, this is unreliable. Now nobody knows that where she is now and is she alive or not.
Netflix Documentary Series
Netflix has also created a web documentary series on whole incident of Emanuela Orlandi. It uncovers various mystery linked with her. It present Emanuela Orlandi History very interestingly. The unsolved mystery seems to be solved to a extent in the series. It make easy to understand the whole scenario. They have played it really well. One can get clear insight after watching the said Limited series.
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