Best Gear in God of War Ragnarok:- There are many peoples and gamers who always want to know the best things in the game. In the god of war ragnarok game there is many toughest battles. In which the most interested battle and boss is Thor.
There are two battles in between Kratos and Thor. Thor is the god of thunder in the game god of war ragnarok. Story of the god of war ragnarok and Marvel movies story are very familiar. These fight and battles makes the game more interesting in playing. In this article we talk on best Weapons and Armors in the god of war ragnarok.

God of War Overview:
Topic | Best Gear in God of War Ragnarok |
Game name | God of war ragnarok |
Provider | NAYAG Team |
Total no. of Armors | 32 |
Best Weapon God of war Ragnarok
There are different peoples in the world and different peoples have different opinion and different taste in the game. In god of war ragnarok game there are many types of weapon which is used in fight or battles. They have very Special powers in the every weapon. We give you some information related to the weapons in the god of war ragnarok game. In this para we give you some general information of the weapons.
- Mjolnir:- It is weapon of the Thor, it is very powerful in the god of war ragnarok. The special ability of the Mjolnir is the when you throw this to enemies, they come back in your hand when you want.
- Draupnir spear- It is also very useful weapon in the game. This weapon is only for the Kratos. The Special ability of this weapon is they multiply itself in many copies with same weight. height and colors. They also blast when they stuck in any place.
These two are best gears in the god of war ragnarok game. In game some weapon are also but these are not such powerful like these two. Leviathan axe, blades of chaos is very useful but not much powerful like these two.
Best Armor God of War Ragnarok
In the game there are many Armors in the god of war ragnarok. There are 32 armor sets in the god of war ragnarok. In which 21 armor set is only for Kratos and remaining 11 is for others characters. In all of these Armor sets therefore 7 armors set is the most powerful set in the game. You can unlock the armors sets when you playing this game through the main story line of the game. The name of all the seven best armor sets of the Kratos written below.
- The Survival set
- The Dragon scaled set
- The Fate breaker set
- Giptumadr’s set
- Hunter set
- The Steinbjorn set
- The Surtr’s scorched set
In which the Surtr’s scorched set is the one of the best armor set in the all of the seven armor set. This armor set is good at defence, Strength and vitality rate. There are others Armor set in this list also powerful but some are powerful in particular Skill. Like Survival set is best for defence skill.
Best Gear in God of War Ragnarok:
Frequently Asked Questions:
Q1. How many Armors in the game?
Ans. There are total 32 Armors in the god of war ragnarok.
Q2. How many weapons of the Kratos in the game?
Ans. There are total four weapons of the Kratos. Those name is Draupnir Spear, leviathan Axe, Blades of chaos and Shield.
Q3. Who is the most powerful boss in the game?
Ans. Odin and Thor is the most powerful boss in the god of war ragnarok.
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